華盛頓留學遊學中心專精於美國碩士/ 博士/ 大學/ 中學/ 條件式入學/ 各國語言學校 的申請代辦服務。 資深留美碩士留學顧問Rita Tsai 旅居美國十年 且有十八年專業代辦留學經驗 協助過數千名學生進入全美國百大及長春藤大學。
華盛頓留學遊學中心是經過經濟部商業司核准設立登記的留遊學教育諮詢機構. 我們堅持誠信專業並以提供高品質的留遊學諮詢服務為目標。 顧問團隊誠懇熱心的專業輔導經驗已成功協助許多同學進入國外知名學府,對留學申請文件的品質及繁瑣的申請細節,顧問們皆以嚴格標準自我要求,無論是同學本身的申請條件是否有達到學校要求標準,我們將根據個別差異分析,評估同學的各項優勢提供最適申請的學校資訊及申請的輔導,我們期望給予計劃前往國外留學遊學、進修的同學們最適當且最正確的學校資訊,由資深顧問根據個人需求推薦最適申請之學府,英文文件為 專業顧問翻譯修改。我們以同理心處理同學的申請文件並以協助同學爭取進入心目中的理想學校為最大目標。
Washington Education Services was established in 2006 by North America-educated veteran consultant and former US resident Rita Tsai. WES specializes in providing access to top American universities to degree-seeking students. We also support clients looking to join recognized English language centers across the world.
Our company has since accumulated well other a decade of experience assisting thousands of students to travel stateside to pursue higher education in America's top 100 institutions including Ivy League universities. We are proud of the role we play in helping them pursue their dreams through America's tertiary education system.
WES abides by all professional ethics of the education industry and maintain strict integrity standards to offer relevant study abroad counseling services. Our counselors team is committed to offering their expertise and advice to students seeking entry to renown universities by assisting them in assembling the required documentation and completing other complex aspects of their application. Each case is assessed individually in regards to the requirements of the schools our students are currently looking to apply to. We identify and emphasize the main strengths of our applicants with senior counselors to present the most suitable and effective application to each school with the required documentation translated and edited to English by trusted professionals. Every application is given the same amount of personal attention as we endeavor to help every student join their desired destination. This is something WES has now grown to be very efficient in effectively ensuring that all our students are in trusted hands.
Washington Education Services is a registered international education consultancy agency approved by the Department of Commerce of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan (R.O.C.). We set our own bar very high and strive to abide by professional ethics and integrity providing study abroad consulting services of the highest quality as our most fundamental goal. Our consultant team has been committed to offer their expertise and advice to scores of students seeking entry to reknown universities abroad assisting them in assembling the required documentation and completing other cumbersome aspects of their application and has been very successful in their endeavor giving substance to their plan to study overseas. Each applicant’s profile is assessed on a case-by-case basis in regards to the requirements of the schools they are currently looking to apply to identifying and emphasizing the main strengths of each individual with senior consultants to present the most suitable and effective application to each school with the required documentation translated and edited in English by our trusted professional consultants. Every application is thus given the same equal personal attention as we endeavor to help students enter their ideal chosen school.
1. 留 (遊) 學問題初步諮詢 |
11. 申請文件寄送 / DHL 快遞寄件 |
2. 在校成績試算 GPA |
3. 提供選校錄取標準資料及排名表 (科系/綜合性) |
13. 申請進度的追蹤聯繫 |
4. 提供學校型錄參考 |
14. 回覆確認入學 (或婉拒/延後) 信函 |
5. 初選/複選/決選 選校諮商 |
15. 申請語言課程學校 |
6. 英文履歷表製作 |
16. 代購學生機票 國際學生證 |
7. 英文讀書計劃指導並翻譯 |
17. 申請住宿 (學校宿舍/寄宿家庭) |
8. 英文推薦信製作 |
18. 協助購買優惠學生機票 / 聯絡接機事宜 |
9. 申請表格撰打 (On-line/Paper Application) |
19. 協助辦理 F-1 學生簽證 |
10. 代購申請費匯票 |
20. 轉學服務 |