哥倫比亞大學 Columbia University |
紐約其實是一個可以讓你奢侈享受所有感覺的城市,愈是生活在其中,愈是無法自拔的愛上這個令人迷離的都會,不論是 浪漫、溫馨、知性、休閒,甚或喜怒哀樂凡人嗔癡,就是這麼讓你隨手可擷取,又百分百的使你清楚感受到,像是只要搭乘遊輪沿著哈德遜河及東河環繞著下曼哈頓 走一圈,那震撼人心的紐約夜景,足以帶給你狂喜的感覺。紐約就是這麼一個可以讓你瘋狂不已的城市,至於其他千百種的感覺,就只得靠你自己親身去挖掘與體會了。
歷史悠久的語言中心(The American Language Program)以優質的密集英語課程和教學經驗豐富的教師,每年吸引數以千計的學生前往就讀。為增加學生使用英語的機會,學教更時常舉辦如認識紐約之旅等各種活動,讓學生將所學於實際生活中運用,使會話能力增強。ALP身為美國大學院校附屬英語課程聯盟與美國密集英語課程聯盟的會員,高品質的教學環境與有效率的課程安排一直是中心的宗旨。
申請費 |
$150 |
週數 學費 開課日 住宿費 |
Summer 2019 Intensive Program (Summer A) For an explanation of fees and expenses see below Advanced Academic Preparation.
Intensive Program (Summer B) For an explanation of fees and expenses see below Advanced Academic Preparation.
Intensive Program (Summer C) For an explanation of fees and expenses see below Advanced Academic Preparation.
Intensive Program (Summer A & B & C) For an explanation of fees and expenses see below Advanced Academic Preparation.
Summer Sessions Note: Students can study for one session (A or B or C) two sessions (A+B or B+C) or all three sessions (A+B+C). In each session (A B C) students will study different material and topics and will usually have different instructors. Students will not repeat material in each session. Students who choose A+B+C will be in classes with students studying one session (A or B or C) or two sessions (A+B B+C). A+B+C is not a separate course.
Fall 2019 Intensive Program (full term) All dates and prices subject to change and approval of the Columbia Board of Trustees.
*The SPS Activity Fee is a once per term $50 charge for ALP registrants only. It covers School of Professional Studies (SPS) expenses relating to orientation handbooks and events.