加州州立大學 北嶺分校 California State University Northridge |
IEP(Intensive English Program)是美國十分著名的語言機構,機構所提供的英語課程與多元化的活動每年都吸引許多國際學生慕名前來。在課堂人數的編制上,機構一律採取小班制,以確保教學品質。而課程的安排更是依據教師們多年的教學經驗,由淺入深,讓學生能充分了解所學並加以運用。課外活動方面,機構更會貼心的舉辦認識校園的活動,讓學生能 順利的了解學校與當地民情。此外,學生也可自由使用校內設備與參加校外的活動。最後,在學生結束課程後,還可向美國當地學校申請條件式入學,以攻讀更高學 位。IEP為美國密集英語課程聯盟(AAIEP)的會員,保障學生的就讀權益。
申請費 |
$150 |
週數/學費 |
- Dates and costs are subject to change. - The Application Fee is non-refundable. - The IPP housing fee includes utilities costs Resident Hall Association membership and a Meal - Plan which provides 10 cafeteria meals per week plus 20 "Dining Dollars" per week that may be used at various eateries and convenience stores on campus. - The Housing & Meal plan fee is due PRIOR to check-in at CSUN Housing. Housing space cannot be guaranteed unless: 1. Tuition for the term is paid in full and 2. Housing contract is submitted 3. Housing (and meal plan) for the term is paid in full The housing contract is available with the application instructions. - Housing check-in date is the day before orientation. The check-out date is the day following the End Date.
開課日 |
住宿費 |
IPP Housing offers convenient apartment-style accommodations that provide visiting students with the opportunity to live in the same on-campus community with regular university students. Students in on-campus housing become familiar with the campus more quickly meet other students more easily and take part in the many social and recreational activities organized by both IPP Housing and CSUN housing. Students who reside in on-campus housing are included in the IPP Meal Plan. Each Housing Unit features: - Keycard access - On-campus security - Two bedrooms furnished with beds desks and chairs - Living room with sofa table and chairs - Private balcony - Dormitory refrigerator - Microwave oven - Free Wi-Fi - Cable television access - Bathroom with bathtub and shower - Toilet room - Separate vanity area with two sinks and mirrors IPP Meal Plan All students living in the dorm are required to subscribe to Meal Plan. Meal Plan price is included in the total price of housing fees. All student Dining Dollars expire at the end of their currently enrolled session and must be used on or before the last day of the currently enrolled session. Unused balances are forfeited (lost). Provides 10 meals per week in Geronimo’s Cafeteria and Bamboo Terrace $20.00 'Dining Dollars' each week that can be used to purchase food drinks and other items at different on-campus convenience stores. Housing Application Instructions: https://tsengcollege.csun.edu/studentinfo/housing-IPP
Homestay Organizations
The IPP does not endorse any homestay organization or company. Here is a list of homestay organizations that have experience serving IPP students. International Housing Placement Service Inc. International Student Placements Global Student Services USA Inc. USH - Universal Student Housing